Anarchy better than order

When we look totally free (like a wheel that rotates without any loss) we focus faster if something happens in our environment. When we want to draw intentional attention (consciously), it costs us more, that is, by the internal "speed control" of conscious situations. That's what at least one group of researchers at the Wolfe of Harvard Medical School say.

To demonstrate this, researchers have taught several letters for a few seconds to some volunteers and asked them to look for and position certain letters. In the first ones the volunteers knew that the letters appeared to them, but in the following tests they were not allowed to fix the attention in different situations and show things. Result: People who were in a situation known as "random search" fulfilled what had to be done twice as fast as those who had attention fixed. Therefore, they have come to the conclusion that in this case the anarchy is faster than the order.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila