Genetic origin of alcoholism

Researchers at the University of Australia believe that knowing the genetic origin of alcoholism will help find more effective treatments. To date we barely knew about the relationship between the structure of genes and alcohol. It has recently been shown that half of alcohol donations do not support bromocriptine treatment. On the contrary, for the other half the same substance bromocriptine has been treated correctly. This trend is because protein producing genes are different.

The so-called alcoholism gene generates behavioral problems and has shown that this small gene change increases its tendency to alcohol.

The affirmation of this hypothesis would open the way to investigate the new aspect of alcoholism. For starters, it would be easier to consolidate and accelerate treatments. With current treatments, an alcoholic needs about 18 months to overcome his dependence. There are also few who reach the end of the healing process. According to data from Australian researchers, 90% of patients abandon treatment before it ends.

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