300 numbers, 30 covers

Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknologia has completed 300 numbers.

We have superficially remembered the 28-year path that goes from numbers 0 to 300, and we present it in ten jumps. Thank you to all who have made the way with us!

The magazine Elhuyar was born in 1974 with the aim of adapting the Basque language to the scientific-technical field. As the language consolidates, this aspect lost strength to benefit the content. Thus, in December 1985 the number zero of the current journal was published: Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknika.

In 2009 it became known as Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknologia. Together with the name was renewed and updated the design, format and contents of the magazine. And in the future we have made changes to adapt to the characteristics and demands of society. Among them, last year the web was renewed, offering contents and functionalities that cannot be delivered on paper in the magazine.

Brothers Elhuyar and Wolframio: 230 years old

This month marks another anniversary related to Elhuyar: 230 years since the Elhuyar brothers isolated the wolframio. In fact, on September 28, 1783 they managed to isolate and seize the wolframio. For this they had to do espionage work, but... In the magazine of this month, 39, you have all the history.
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila