Processor 1.100 MHz?

Waliño, Josu

Elhuyar Fundazioa

When I was writing about
the AMD and Intel war on the 700 MHz processor, AMD itself will release the 1.1 GHz (1.100 MHz) processor on January 10. I started looking for information to write about it and learned that Intel will release the new 1.100 MHz ‘Athlon Killer’ chip in December.

There is no official information about it, for the moment they are rumors, but surely to have this article in your hands they will talk about a chip of 1,500 MHz speed.

In this speed war the only thing I'm sure of is what I wrote at first, that is, that AMD has released a 700 MHz Athlon processor and that Intel has announced a 733 MHz mhz Pentium III.

According to experts, this war will have an end and it will not be because it wins one or the other, but because from a moment it will be physically impossible to achieve a faster speed. I don't know if that's true, but we're getting dizzy! News

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