Daughter looking at her famous mother

Roa Zubia, Guillermo

Elhuyar Zientzia

Daughter looking at her famous mother
01/07/2011 | Roa Zubia, Guillermo | Elhuyar Zientzia Komunikazioa
(Photo: Recent searches

Much has been written about the great Marie Curie. Numerous biographies have been published. Among them stands out the daughter of the prestigious scientist, Eve Curie, written in 1937. This biography has been very successful since its publication. It became a classic of scientific dissemination and now, thanks to the association Klasikoak, the book is also available in Basque translated by the Elhuyar Foundation.

The author's parents, Marie and Pierre Curie, and his sister, Irene Curie, were high-level scientists, who received the Nobel Prize. In addition, Eve's husband, Henry Richardson Labouisse, head of UNICEF, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965.

Eve was a journalist and in this book she addresses the rigor of good journalism. "I have not changed any essential phrase or invented the color of a single suit. Things happened as I wrote and the words I put were said in the characters' mouths," he says in the foreword.

The book was written after the death of Madame Curie. On the one hand, Eve had a privileged position to write the biography, was the protagonist and had many other protagonists very close. He makes a close and accurate portrait of the mother, which reflects very well how the scientist's life changes over the years.

The story begins in Poland and the first part of the book covers the time that elapses until Marie travels to Paris. It was a difficult time for Poland, and although Marie has received extensive training, her eyes are in Paris, at the University of the Sorbonne.

The second part of the book takes place in Paris and a person appears to whom Eve barely knew: Pierre Curie, husband of Marie and father of Eve. The work of the time brought to marriages the first Nobel prize in 1903. The milestone of this second part is a tragedy. Pierre Curie died trapped by a car, when Eve was only one year old. He completed a complete chapter with what happened on April 19, 1906. Pierre's death greatly affected Madame Curie.

In the final part he explains life from there. Madame Curie was overwhelmed by Pierre's death, but continued to work hard. And he won a second Nobel Prize in 1911. He was a very famous scientist, although he did not feel that way. "I didn't know how to be famous," says Eve.

For him Marie Curie is not a famous character, but someone he knew perfectly.

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Ed. Klasikoak, S.A.
225 x 146 mm
ISBN: 978-84-96455-32-0
Original title: Related information
Translation: Free announcement
Elhuyar Foundation
Roa Bridge, Guillermo
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila