The brain and the complexity of the student: two interesting trips

Roa Zubia, Guillermo

Elhuyar Zientzia

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Learning is a wonderful process. It requires the complex functioning of an organ, the brain. It is true that we still do not know exactly how the brain works and what are all the secrets of the learning process, but more and more research is being done in this field. The professor of Linguistics and Basque Studies, Itziar Laka, studies the learning process in the Faculty of Letters of the UPV. One of the recommended books is the subject expert. He has also recommended a book very different from his scope, one of complexity.

The first is the book The Infinite Gift, by American Charles Yang. "We chatted with Professor Yang at the Science Forum organized by Ikerbasque," recalls Laka. "In this kind and attractive book, he explains how children learn the language and, in that sense, give us some clues about the structure and nature of the language. It is a book of great success and we hope that this researcher can write more informative books shortly".

In this book the author explains the theory of expert Noam Chomsky, that man's ability to understand language has an important genetic component.

The second book recommended by Laka is totally different. Complexity of the American Melanie Mitchell: A guided tour is a book. Mitchell is a computer professor who studies the subject of complexity in different areas, always related to computer computing.

"Time, birds, clouds, language, brain, society... all are complex systems," Laka explains. "The theory of complexity investigates why the similarities between them exist systematically in those similarities? As I am not an expert in this field, I can say that this book is the clearest and most attractive explanation I know of this subject. There are areas where we have to climb the slope of mathematics and not all of us will reach the top, but it is worth taking the journey that this book proposes."

The Infinite Gift
Charles Yang
Editorial Scribner
224 x 152 mm
Complexity: A guided tour
Melanie Mitchell
Publisher OUP USA
231 x 152 mm
ISBN: • Income guarantee
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila