Izadi Group of Zarautz

Arrojeria, Eustakio

Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

... Grupo Izadi. Its name indicates well the essence and purpose of the group. The partners are very clear about what they want to achieve and what the group was created for, according to Joxepo Terés.
J.L. Terés

Zarauz, Algorta, Agurain, Tudela, Barkox,... Grupo Izadi. One of the objectives would be to create in all villages and neighborhoods a group that works for it knowing the part of the Nature that surrounds it. The word game allows it. Of course, everything cannot be channeled from Zarautz, but we all have the responsibility of Nature and we are in our hands to move towards recovery facing the degradation it brings.


Therefore, let's get to know Zarautz's experience. According to Joxepo, the group was born about 12 years ago, after a meeting organized by the Sociedad de Montaña Pagoeta. The Pagoeta Mountain Society, like most of the groups at the time, was in charge of organizing the exits to the mountain and the Perretxiku Eguna. But one day of congratulations they realized the ecological value of Zarautz's natural resources and seeing the degradation process they carried, they decided they had to do something. Therefore, a letter was drafted to the school principals present and a meeting was decided.

“We all participate in this meeting,” says Joxepo, “but only those of the Ikastola continue. Later several nature lovers gathered and today we can say that it is a stable group”.

Izadi Group of Zarautz visiting rural areas.
Izadi Group

The initial objective was to know the surroundings of Zarautz, become aware of its resources and promote the conservation of Nature through its dissemination. The goals have remained but team members have been specializing. Currently it has the following departments: Mycology, Botany, Ornithology, Geology, Environmental Education and Astronomy (incipient).

We must say that the group is open, that is, anyone can participate. “Lately we have been joined by some who have completed biology studies,” explains Joxepo.

And what barriers?

When we asked him about the obstacles or difficulties they have encountered along the way, he has no doubt that the passivity and discouragement they encounter on the part of the City Council is the main problem. From the economic point of view they have no problems, since the costs they have are assumed by the City of Zarautz. “But when it comes to focusing projects, they ignore us. We often have to do police work and that’s not what’s up to us,” he says. “Grant yes, some recognition. But we also have the suspicion that they manipulate us for political purposes and therefore risk dividing the group. Some of us would like to break with the City Hall, but what to do?...”

Evaporation in the dunes. ( Calystegia soldanella). (Izadi Group).

“It’s true,” Joxepo continues, “we have limited ourselves to drawing up partial plans and we have not yet drawn up the overall plan. But to say that they will drive partial plans (when we are alone) and then they will not.”

Our interlocutor has been more optimistic about the response of the people, despite the low pessimism that is observed. “The people respond well to the actions we do, we are well valued, but the change of consciousness is not perceived and everyone continues in it.”

“The Week of Nature that we organize every year and the monographic exhibition that we prepare in it, are well received by the zarauztarras. In it we try to transmit concrete and clean messages. This year’s theme,” says Joxepo, “has been the dunes. But…”

Nature and industrial crisis

The dunes of Zarautz is one of the points of interest analyzed by the Izadi Group.
J.L. Terés

Asked about the influence that the industrial crisis may have on the movement of nature lovers, Mr. Terés is quite optimistic. Although the initial boom with nature has diminished and the industrial crisis, especially when it is directly related to jobs, accentuates the behaviour of nature lovers, NATURE cannot deteriorate any more. If it were further damaged it would be a catastrophe. The rivers are completely polluted (in Europe we are in first or second place), by companies, by areas of the totally disordered villages,... But because we have entered Europe or, among political leaders, political change is noticeable. There is a minimal trend in favor of nature conservation. They are doing studies everywhere and all that, in my opinion, will influence.

Politicians have discovered (at least some) that if you want to maintain a minimum quality of life, you can't turn your back on Nature. On the other hand, since Euskal Herria is small, we know quite well the ecological resources we have and we have to start protecting the few that remain.”

Zarautz or Euskal Herria?

Members of the mycology section are founders and pillars of the group.
J.L. Terés

Its name sets well the scope of this group. But, as Joxepo explained, “the field can be expanded by working and taking good care of the autochthonous. Our main function has therefore been to know the surroundings of Zarautz well and to spread what we have. The Basque coast has no major differences. Therefore, what we have worked at the local level is useful for groups from other countries. That is, dunes, cliffs, marshes of Zarautz... In short, the study and dissemination of ecosystems has allowed us to open up.

For example, work on coastal ecosystems is spreading. We let a professional team deepen what we have done. These, thanks to the collaboration between Aquitaine and Euskal Herria, have obtained a grant and will work the coastal ecosystems of Euskal Herria (from Iparralde to Bizkaia). Therefore, our work at this level is expanding.”

The Izadi group also analyzes the fauna of the ecosystems of the area.
J.L. Terés

“Why coastal ecosystems and not others?, can be stopped by someone,” says Terés. For the answer, he says, is easy. “Because it is the most affected medium. Because lately they are in grave danger by marinas. Why should we put the marina in each of the villages that have cost it?” he asks through. “Is it not enough to do two or three? They do not realize the damage that this produces in this ecosystem. In addition, “the environments chosen for the construction of the marina are the least attacked.”

“On the other hand we have done,” says Joxepo, jobs with the Aranzadi Science Society, etc.” As you see, we are not limited to us. But it is true that Zarautz’s environment is always the starting point.”

Environmental platform

Despite asking about the need for an environmental platform that exceeds the local level, he has no doubt of his answer. “It would be nice that, as is the ERREKA platform in Bizkaia, something similar is organized. But for this are necessary groups like ours. Groups should be formed in all or in most villages and neighborhoods, knowing the environment to properly protect nature. All this should be coordinated so as not to create chaos. But in Bizkaia they did, it would serve to coordinate groups working in specific environments and to guide joint actions.

Royal heron (Ardea cinerea) Terés).

On the other hand, we must not forget that the people we work in these areas are not able to live from it and the actions we carry out go at a relatively low price. But to create this platform we should professionalize it, that is, two or three liberated should be with everything that entails. However, we cannot ignore the idea.

”Actions promoted by the Izadi Group of Zarautz

In addition to the Nature Week we mentioned above and the monographic exhibition they organize during this week, they organize a multitude of activities. The Zuhaitz Eguna, which is held annually, in addition to the ecological itineraries of the area, prepares the posters on them, is in charge of the census of birds, winter and pasaitarras, carries out the census and monitoring of the plants, especially of the dunes, offers to the City of Zarautz an advisory service, both through the proposal of projects and the participation in the various Subsidiary Rules, organize the work. It is a robust and prosperous work, as we can see.

Environmental education is an important initiative of the group. AZTERKOSTA 93.
J.L. Terés

In all this, schools and children also have their place. Their project aims to offer material to Zarautz students. The City Council wants it and the Izadi Group has managed to channel it. Joxepo has confessed that it is a beautiful job, but with just preparing the material you can not do anything. “It is essential to create a Nature Classroom in each school and the involvement of teachers in the project. We can't track the project and that's up to them. We are willing to create material and advise them, but from there...

We have three ecosystems prepared in teaching materials: Coastal ecosystems, Alcornoque and Bista-Alegre Park.”

When asked about Pagoeta Park, he replies that he has another status and is organized in another way. But he added that they have good relations with the locals.

Asociación Montañera Pagoeta

As mentioned earlier, it was the Pagoeta Mountain Society that put the means to form the group. Since then their relations have not ceased. Moreover, Izadi Taldea de Zarautz has told us that he is an autonomous body of Pagoeta Mendizale Elkartea. Therefore, within the Association, Izadi has much to say and do. They participate in the magazine that the Association brings out, writing articles and offering their contribution in the exits to the mountain organized by Mendizale Elkartea.


Its aim is to organize didactic exhibitions.
J.L. Terés

When asked about the future of the Izadi Group, he launched two positions. One of them is optimistic for the Zarautz Group, as new people have begun to approach and participate in the group, and the other is pessimistic or skeptical, in view of the avatars in this matter as Orioko Motondo and the results obtained...

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