Classification of sedimentary rocks

Arrojeria, Eustakio

Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Lizaso, Pili

Informatika Saila

Elhuyar Fundazioa

Dichotomy-based programs can be programmed easily by computer.

Dichotomy-based programs can be programmed easily by computer. On the other hand, this method is very used in the Natural Sciences to determine the classification of species, so it is very easy to classify them by computers.

As a typical and simple example, the classification of sedimentary rocks has been selected as an example of this type of programs. The key used has been the following:

10$ CLASSIFICATION OF SEDIMENT ROCKS IN WATER 20 CLS 30 REM 40 PRINT "The program provides a key for the classification of sediment rocks" 50 PRINT : 60 FOR I = 1 TO 6000 IF : GOTO 250 140 INPUT "Color light al du (B/C") : GOTO 250 160 INPUT "It is drawn with nails (B/E)";D$ 170 IF D$ = "B" OR D$ = "b" THEN PRINT "PLASTER." : GOTO 250 180 PRINT "SANDSTONE." GOTO 250 190 REM SINO 200 INPUT "Heterogeneous aspect (B/E)";B$ 210 IF B$ = "B" OR B$ = "b" THEN PRINT "CONGLOMERATE". ; GOTO 250 220 INPUT "Easily undone (B/E)";C$ 230 IF C$ = "B" OR C$ = "b" THEN PRINT "CLAY". : GOTO 250 240 PRINT "It's a limestone. "; 250 PRINT : PRINT "Amaia" 260 END

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