Computer memory duplication system

IBM announces the development of a system that allows to duplicate the memory of computers. The system has been named Memory Expansion Technology (MXT) and although initially used on servers based on Intel processors, in the future it will be valid for all types of computers.

The electronic system automatically stores all data and orders used by the main computer processor and keeps them available at any time. Then you do not need to use the information access processor. Unused data and commands will be compressed and stored in memory.

In this way, the memory capacity and the power of the system will increase by 200%. The MXT also has a data management device and chip commands that controls memory. This operation is based on device algorithms and morphology, millions of microscopic transistors. This allows to recover the compressed data in tenths of a second.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila