How to recover tomato flavor? Mode found

Tomato. Ed. Creative Commons

The main consumer complaint is that current tomatoes have little flavor. Taste is the sensation produced by food and other substances in taste and smell. In the case of tomato, taste is activated by sugars and acids, while smell is activated by volatile compounds. The key to good taste depends on volatile compounds.

An international team of researchers has carried out a thorough chemical and genetic analysis of sabor.For this purpose they have quantified the flavor of the compounds of 398 tomato varieties. According to the study, modern tomatoes contain fewer flavor-related compounds than older varieties. On the other hand, the resecuenciación of the genetic material of these varieties has allowed to identify the genetic markers of most of the chemical compounds responsible for the tomato flavor. Researchers have also announced that the gene that produces a change of level and flavor in certain volatile compounds is predictable. The research has been published in the journal Science.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila