United Nations in the Fish War

A United Nations (NB) pacifist force wants to alleviate the clashes between states in international waters due to fisheries. Already, and as a result of a harsh decision, the clashes between EVD and Canada in the North Atlantic have calmed down and Norway has been advised to abandon its claims to double the amount of herring fishing.

At the world summit last summer, national leaders called for a commission on fisheries in international waters to be organized. Accordingly, the UN General Assembly has convened all stakeholders for next July.

According to scientists from the Food and Agriculture Organization, fisheries in international waters are overexploited and some stocks are about to run out.

The North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFOK) has fisheries outside its scope. The EVD is one of the members of NAFO, but since 1989 the fishing quotas granted to European fisheries have been higher than those of the other members of NAFO.

He enraged Canada. In addition, fisheries in the Canadian Atlantic Ocean, one of the richest on Earth, have dropped, so catching cod is prohibited this year.

Although NAFO banned percussion fishing in 1991, EVE approved a quota of 6,000 tons. Subsequently, more than 10,000 tons were captured.

As these problems also occur in other terrestrial fisheries, as mentioned above, the United Nations has decided to intervene.

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