Nano material parallel to mother-of-pearl

At Oklahoma State University a material of similar properties to mother-of-pearl has been synthesized in nanoscale. The material consists of clay nanocerubos and PDDA polymer and is as hard and flexible as mother-of-pearl.

Zhiyong Tang/Oklahoma State University/NSF

These properties make mother-of-pearl an appreciated scientist, as it is an ideal material for aeronautics or prosthetic manufacturing.

Natural nacar is formed by proteins and calcium carbonates, with a structure like partition. Proteins form layers with few nanometers and give flexibility to the structure, while calcium carbonate fulfills the function of bricks and gives it hardness. In the artificial version, polymers replace proteins and clays with calcium carbonate.

Researchers use a robot to synthesize artificial nacre.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila