IPBES and IPCC organisations will receive the Gulbenkian 2022 prize

Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana

Elhuyar Zientzia

Ed. [Gulbekian prize].

The Gulbenkian Award was created in 2020 to recognize the work of climate, institutions and people in emergency care. It is granted by the Calouste Gulbekian Foundation and has announced that this year IPBES and IPCC will receive it.

The two recognised organisations are international and their main roles are to generate scientific knowledge on climate change and biodiversity loss, human awareness and advice to decision makers.

The IPCC had already received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 and now, together with IPBES, it has been selected to receive the Gulbenkian Award from 116 nominations from five continents and 41 countries. ...

The Court highlights “evidence-based science” and underlines that the loss of diversity and the destruction of ecosystems are crises parallel to the emergence of climate.

Unai Paskual García de Azilu is one of the researchers working for IPBES and has welcomed the recognition. According to Elhuyar, he has received the news in Japan, as it is precisely in the last four years that he explains to his researchers the IPBES report on the multiple values of nature that he has coordinated. Besides the joy, he makes the following observation: “However, the acknowledgements given to scientists are of little use if we cannot radically change the factors behind the socio-ecological crisis with society.”

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