Women researchers take more into account sex and gender in medicine

Etxebeste Aduriz, Egoitz

Elhuyar Zientzia

Ed. Ernestoeslava/Pixabay

In medical studies, gender and sex are considered more when researchers are women. To this conclusion they have arrived in a recent work published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour, which analyses a million and a half of medical research.

Many diseases do not affect men and women alike, nor treatments. Although sex and gender are important factors in medicine, most medical research is done with males, both in animals and in people. In this work they have done now, we analyze whether the importance given to these factors varies depending on the gender of the researchers. For this purpose, a million and a half scientific articles published between 2008 and 2015 have analyzed the existence or not of gender and sex studies in these research and the gender of researchers. And they have clearly seen that when women participate in research, sex and gender are taken into account.

--> Report: Female look at medicine

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