AIDS: 9,000 new cases in January

As reported by the World Security Organization (WHO), 9,000 new cases have been recorded in its files. To date, there are 323.378.

The World Health Organization has declared that 9,000 new cases have been recorded in its files. The cases registered to date are 323.378.

Most of these new cases come from Africa, Europe and America.

Of the 4,000 new cases registered in Europe, more than 3,500 have occurred in France. It is followed by Germany and Holland, but in these cases there have been many fewer cases.

However, in the world there is a State that has not expressed a case. This does not mean that AIDS is not present in these places, but has not yet been expressed. Among others, the following States are in the situation indicated: Seychelles, Bahrain, Iraq, Jemendana Republic, Albania, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Burma and some Pacific islands.

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