Trying to control invasive species

The control of invasive species is intended to use the enemies of these species in their territory of origin.

Invasive plants and animals are one of the biggest threats to biodiversity after habitat disappearance.

These plants and animals, when moved, leave behind their ancient enemies, as predators and parasites.

One of the most widespread invaders in the United States is the European green crab. This crab probably reached the western coast of the United States in the ballast waters of the ships and has since expanded. Native to the Atlantic coast of Europe and North Africa. It is a small and scarce crab. In the United States, however, it is large and abundant, and apparently, without diseases or parasites, where it has no natural enemies.

In view of this, it is considered that one of the ways to control these invaders can be the use of origin enemies for these ecosystems to regain balance.

However, we must not forget that biological control also has risks. The viruses and parasites of the original habitat have been previously used to control the invaders. The best known example is that of Australia, where they saw that the consequences were uncontrollable. This shows us the difficulty of restoring balance in ecosystems.

Therefore, it is best to stop before the invasion occurs.

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