Develop technology for embryo cell development

Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana

Elhuyar Zientzia

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute has developed a technology that allows the development of the embryo of an animal through the cell.

The technology developed in HHMI shows cellular evolution through 3D, individual and moving images. This allows to continue in much more detail than until now all the development of an embryo. The research, published in the journal Nature Methods, has made the software available to those who want it in the following address:

According to researchers, research began in 2010. As they have recognized, the path has not been easy, since each cell has a different aspect and behavior, which hinders the analysis and computerization of the data. Therefore, simplification of data has been key to software development. They have stated that all the work has been done with the embryo of the fruit fly, but have shown that it is useful also with embryos of many other animals. In the video you can see the development of the zebra fish embryo.

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