The penalties of the rhinoceros .UU?

At a time when South African black rhinos are about to disappear, the US is thinking of imposing sanctions on the four states operating in the rhinoceros branch market.

At a meeting in Washington, wildlife defense groups denounced China, Korea, Taiwan and Jemen. The marketing of such branches is prohibited by the International Trade Conference on Protected Species. If the US Government takes this complaint into account, the President may prevent the importation of animal-related products.

The dust from the branches of rhinoceroses of China, Korea and Taiwan cures many diseases, especially childhood fever. They are used on the Jemen knives tours. According to some estimates, the trade in rhinoceroses in these States has led to the death of nearly 60,000 rhinoceroses, representing 85% of the land rhinoceroses existing in 1970.

The greatest efforts to save rhinos have been made with hunters. The rhinos of Namibia and Zinbabue are being mutilated so that hunters do not catch them. For the costs of ramming to be lower, safaris are organized with the hunters, but when shooting instead of leaving the bullets from the shotguns comes the sedative dart. Subsequently, hunters can take as trophy the branches of rhinos.

For animal support entities the path described above is positive. However, for some this pathway can also lead to the death of rhinoceroses.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila