Chalenge project

The CHALENGE project, developed by “Ibermatica” together with other companies, was approved by the European Commission of experts held on 26 February.

The CHALENGE project is part of the ESPRIT programme and has been funded by the European Economic Association and the participating companies.

This project is based on the development of the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) communication system. The purpose of this system is to automate information shipments between entities. EDI is a new work system that facilitates direct communication between organizations' computers.

The EDI system reduces the use of paper in commercial transactions, reduces the time needed to communicate and reduces the number of errors, since it is not necessary to enter data repeatedly to the computer.

In addition, EDI improves communication, since transmission can take place outside working hours and does not present language barriers. This facilitates administrative work and can use time in other more productive tasks.

According to recent studies on this system, the EDI market grows by 40% annually. This growth will increase the demand for advanced and sophisticated products related to EDI in the coming years.

In this area of the EDI has developed the CHALENGE project and in collaboration with Ibermatica de San Sebastián other European companies have participated: Bull (France), Siemens Nixdorf Information Systems (Ireland), Irish Medical Systems (Ireland), Bull Europe (United Kingdom), Pross (Spain), Telindus (Belgium), Epsilon Software (Greece), Danish Customs (Denmark), United States, United States.

Among the most advanced features of the CHALENGE project are the definition and development of the EDI API (Application Program Interface) and the execution of the X.435 North (CCITT X.435/F.435) standard. Using this developed API, applications can easily access EDI services.

This project is already underway in some companies (Pamplona Municipal Savings Bank, Du Pont, Danish Customs, Eastern Health Board, etc.) with very satisfactory results. It should be noted that the coordinator of the CHALENGE project tests and the author of the definition of the EDI API interface has been Ibermatica de San Sebastián.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila