Collection of archaeological works carried out in Gipuzkoa in the last 30 years

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In a collection of seven books have gathered all the archaeological works carried out in Gipuzkoa in the last 30 years. It is an initiative launched by the Department of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and coordinated by the archaeology technician of the Provincial Council and member of Aranzadi, Carlos Olatxea. Among the authors are Alvaro Arrizabalaga, Joxean Mujika, Xabier Peñarlver, Merche Urteaga, Alfredo Moraza and Beatriz Herreras.

The collection ranges from hunter-gatherers to industrial through seven stations. In the first issue, dedicated to the Palaeolithic, the writers have explained the latest findings of the deposits of Lezetxiki, Praileaitz, Irikaitz and Astigarraga. Then comes the first era of farmers and ranchers, who reveal the latest discoveries of megaliths left in our mountains. The third stop is that of the Iron Age, in which through Intxur, Basagain and Munoandi the first walled villages. Then the Roman, medieval and XVI archeology, XVII. and XVIII. The relay will be taken by the centenarians to end Industrial Archaeology. More than 180 photographs have been included in each book.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila