Trying to protect whales

The International Whale Commission has held an annual meeting in which it has decided to maintain the moratorium on whale fishing.

The International Whale Defense Commission has held an annual meeting in which it has decided to maintain the moratorium on the prohibition of whale fishing, following the request of various associations for the protection of nature.

According to estimates by the world nature organization, the number of whales in the Antarctic Ocean is steadily decreasing. At this time only 2,000 will be. However, the 1986 ban did not begin to apply until 1989.

On the other hand, the whale commission has decided to protect the historical rights of certain human groups. In this sense, three fishing quotas have been maintained or increased: on the one hand, the Eskimos will be able to catch 303 whales in the next three years, on the other, those of Greenland will be able to capture 148 whales and finally those of Saint Vincent 3 whales.

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